Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun With IDisposable and Action

IDisposable is a pretty neat tool in the .NET framework. For those that don't know what it is, a class that implements IDisposable can be wrapped in a using statement. When the code exits the block created by the using statement, the object's Dispose method is guaranteed to be called, automatically. (This includes the block being exited because of an exception.)

Every now and then I need to create some Razor extension methods (especially to avoid re-typing HTML wrappers around articles, or what-not). If you use Razor with ASP.NET MVC, you are probably familiar with Html.BeginForm(). It allows us to wrap an HTML form and emits the form's opening and closing tags around our elements.

@model MyNameSpace.MyModel
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.SomeProperty)

While I won't get into specifics of what extensions I have created in the past in this post, I wanted to discuss a way of cleaning up our code if we have a bunch of these extensions. Let's say we have two extension methods that make use of IDisposable. I have seen—and written myself—a few implementations like the following.

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static FooCloser Foo(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Do work
        return new FooCloser(helper);

    public static void CloseFoo(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Finish up

    public static BarCloser Bar(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Do work
        return new BarCloser(helper);

    public static void CloseBar(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Finish up

public class FooCloser : IDisposable
    private readonly HtmlHelper _helper;

    public void Dispose ()

    public FooCloser (HtmlHelper helper)
        _helper = helper;

public class BarCloser : IDisposable
    private readonly HtmlHelper _helper;

    public void Dispose ()

    public BarCloser (HtmlHelper helper)
        _helper = helper;

After a while, all those "Closer" classes build up. But, there is a pattern that emerges that we can take advantage of. Instead of each set of helper methods getting their own IDisposable "closer," we can merge them all into one and refactor our code a bit by making use of Action.

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static IDisposable Foo(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Do work
        return new Closer(helper.CloseFoo);

    public static void CloseFoo(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Finish up

    public static IDisposable Bar(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Do work
        return new Closer(helper.CloseBar);

    public static void CloseBar(this HtmlHelper helper)
        // Finish up

public class Closer : IDisposable
    private readonly Action _action;

    public void Dispose ()

    public Closer (Action action)
        _action = action;

Now we have one universal "closer" that we can use anywhere we want to return an IDisposable to use this little trick—and not just with Razor extensions.

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